Siemens lanza un nuevo sistema que integra toda la tecnología para la gestión inteligente de edificios

Posted by Super User
  • Se trata del primer puesto de gestión capaz de integrar desde la calefacción o la climatización, hasta la seguridad, la protección contra incendios, la energía o la videovigilancia, entre otras disciplinas.
  • Esta tecnología puede reducir hasta un 20% los gastos energéticos gracias a la monitorización de la energía combinada con la iluminación, el control de persianas y la demanda de energía.
  • La plataforma de gestión es accesible deforma remota desde una Tablet o Smartphone.


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International Manufacturing Technology Show

Posted by Super User

The International Manufacturing Technology Show is one of the largest industrial trade shows in the world. IMTS 2016 is the 31st edition of the premier manufacturing technology show in North America. More than 2,000 exhibiting companies will occupy 1.3 million net square feet of exhibit space at the McCormick Place complex in Chicago, Illinois. IMTS is held every even-numbered year in Chicago and attracts more than 114,000 buyers and sellers from over 112 countries.

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Live Demo - InTouch Machine Edition Web Thin Client

Posted by Super User

The InTouch Machine Edition Web Thin Client is a powerful tool for getting access to HMI applications designed inInTouch Machine Edition remotely. The web thin client is especially valuable to plant managers who wish to view a process while in an office or using a smartphone or PDA. OEMs may also benefit from providing a web thin client for use in viewing the HMIs used in equipment.

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